Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Chilean naval ships

The Chilean Navy has eight relatively modern frigates and when I visited Valparaiso in January seven could be seen in port, including two of their three ex-Type 23 Royal Navy's frigates, with the tanker ALMIRANTE MONTT outside the port at anchor and the Portugues bulk carrier PORT ESTORIL far off at anchor.
Close up view of the ex-Type 23 Chilean frigates, either the ALMIRANTE LYNCH, ALMIRANTE
CONDELL and or ALMIRANTE COCHRANE. As the ARMADA DE CHILE ships did not display
pennant numbers or their names, it is difficult to identify different ships in the same class.

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1 comment:

  1. Compare the sterns ....

    One has the towed array midships on the stern and the other one does not.

    Almirante Lynch does not have the towed array in the centre of the stern
    Almirante Condell does!

    So outside ship is Almirante Lynch and Almirante Condell is inside nearest the quayside
